The AI Guide for Accountants

What AI tools exist for accountants? What are practical use cases that teams can use now? How can you craft the best ChatGPT prompts and when should you consider using different LLMs?

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We’ve broken down all you need to know about AI in our micro-site, covering:
  • 11 Prompts to Put ChatGPT in Accounting Mode
  • A List of 10 of the Top AI Applications for Accountants
  • Sample AI Usage Policy & Questions to Ask AI Vendors
  • Skills Accountants Need to Build in the AI Era
Numeric's discover features provide a roadmap for our flux analysis. We were previously using a google sheet and you had to go back into Netsuite and dig for all of the details, but now they are all right there in one place.

Corey Griffin

Betterment • Controller at Betterment
Numeric helps our team stay very efficient and agile. Onboarding was quick - the month we made the decision we were able to use it in our close - and the conciseness of our close is now unreal. The solution shaves days off of our close, and we don't need to go out and add headcount just to service manual processes.

Michael Oleis

Soundstripe • Director of Finance and Accounting

Join the future of the month-end close

AI-assisted. Operationally efficient. Audit ready.