Manage fixed assets the easy way

End the hectic scramble each audit and month-end close.
Manage fixed assets intelligently with AI and automation.
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Numeric product image

Capture every relevant transaction

No need for Excel downloads and endless pivot tables— Numeric integrates every transaction from your general ledger and flags where transactions should be coded to fixed assets.

transaction interface on numeric app
depreciation schedule interface on numeric app

Apply depreciation schedules with less data entry

Drop in a document or select existing GL transactions and Numeric will auto-fill details with AI. Instantly apply the right depreciation schedule from templates. More standardization. Improved accuracy. Easier review.

Review and post journal entries automatically

Numeric posts journal entry adjustments to your general ledger each month and is directly integrated with account reconciliation.

journal entries interface on numeric app
ai copilot interface on numeric app

Manage disposals and changes with an AI-copilot

Simply write what happened and Numeric’s AI co-pilot will generate suggested accounting adjustments and journal entries for your review.

One connected platform from record to report

Fixed asset management connected directly to your reconciliation, reporting, and close workflows.

overview graphic of how numeric worksOverview about how numeric works

Upgrade from spreadsheets and manage fixed assets with AI & automation

Audit ready. Confidence in your financials. Faster closes.